Monday, March 21, 2016

Decency Publishing Is Expanding In 2016

Decency Publishing is expanding to new projects for 2016. We are excited to have a new Facebook page and marketing strategy. New goals for this year include forming an LLC and expanding our projects beyond online and paper publishing.

We are reaching out to new partnerships and will soon embark into a kickstarter campaign. Watch for future posts for further details. We also hope to expand into the lecture circuit throughout the northeast. Our talented group of writers are unique, and we feel an excellent addition to many higher learning classes.

Another area of expansion will include marketing. We hope to promote local businesses as part of our expansion with a very unique project knows as I SPY CNY. Stay tuned for further developments as we progress.

We always want to promote new authors and aspiring projects towards decency. Please feel free to contact us on our Facebook page. You can like the page Decency Publishing by searching for it on Facebook.

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