Wednesday, March 30, 2016

What Is Decency Publishing?

Some people at this point might be wondering, what is Decency Publishing? Originally, the goal of Decency Publishing was to publish books both in paper and online publications. We have reached over 100.000 people the past 10 years and quickly will surpass 150.000 within a few months. This might sound like a lot, however in publishing, it is a drop in the bucket.

For the past 10 years, Decency Publishing included an online National Publication for Education Policies, books such as Cerebral Cinema and Quest For Human Decency, and numerous blogs. Some articles were syndicated and that readership is calculated on those sites. Unfortunately, we cannot calculate the readership outside of our control.  In reality, we have reached more readers than we can track. I felt it was time for a change in goals this year.

For anyone who wants to work with us, the goals of the writing and publishing are quite simple. Promote subject matters that get people to think and challenge conventional wisdom. And for the past 10 years, we have done just that. Our articles and publications have reached over 90 countries around the world. Some of our blogs have been popular in Europe and Asia more than the readership in the United States.

This year, I felt it was time to expand the goals a bit. I always have had an interest in promoting the arts. So, we are expanding into artistic venues and helping others market their talents. I have always been a big proponent for education. I often have felt we lack offerings for kids and adults to expand their horizons. We will soon be offering educational classes for the first time! We want to encourage and promote authors of all ages to join the creative process. We will also be working with musicians and artists to provide support by collaborating with local businesses and communities. We will also market many aspiring artists on our new Facebook page.

We have other projects that are going to be exciting to announce in the future. We hope to make announcements soon. The title of the article was "What Is Decency Publishing?" In a sense, Decency Publishing is the promotion of arts and entertainment. Our goal is to be inclusive and a resource for our community.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Decency Publishing Is Expanding In 2016

Decency Publishing is expanding to new projects for 2016. We are excited to have a new Facebook page and marketing strategy. New goals for this year include forming an LLC and expanding our projects beyond online and paper publishing.

We are reaching out to new partnerships and will soon embark into a kickstarter campaign. Watch for future posts for further details. We also hope to expand into the lecture circuit throughout the northeast. Our talented group of writers are unique, and we feel an excellent addition to many higher learning classes.

Another area of expansion will include marketing. We hope to promote local businesses as part of our expansion with a very unique project knows as I SPY CNY. Stay tuned for further developments as we progress.

We always want to promote new authors and aspiring projects towards decency. Please feel free to contact us on our Facebook page. You can like the page Decency Publishing by searching for it on Facebook.